finnn of the first term

As group 15, we were working in Yumurtalık district of Adana, which is located in Iskenderun Bay. The region has rich content in terms of biotopes, habitats and biodiversity. It hosts many animal and plant species with its lagoons. Also, many endemic species rely on this rich content to survive. For instance, sea turtles and migratory birds are on the migration route.

When we started to analyze the land, we developed 3 main concepts in line with İskenderun Bay, Yumurtalık Bay and their rich content and also our further steps for the system.

This is the analysis of the other biotopes related with the waterscape of the site we have highlighted, the sea and coastal dune. Another area as rich as the stream habitat is the site’s sea and dune according to our initial larger scale analysis. Migratory birds and sea turtles are mostly found in these areas. Especially in the dune habitat, there are more endangered animals and it is of great importance for the ecological cycles to keep the dune continuity and its habitat quality.

We observed the negative effects of wrong farming practices on habitats. We observe that many living species are becoming extinct or about to become extinct as a result of unconscious practices.

And, we started to research alternative farming methods and we had the opportunity to compare traditional agriculture with alternative farming. We have observed that vertical farming is both more environmentally friendly and the variety of products and products is high.

In order to determine our program proposal, we have determined programs that will create solutions for these risks by taking advantage of all our previous analyzes and risks and threats related to our site. We associated the programs that we have proposed with the concepts we defined: eco-collaboration, hydro action and eco-cover.

“What” question shows our main concern about the system proposal.

“How” question shows how we overcome this concern with our tools and operations.

We have shown the factors that help us position our corridor in this diagram. sun path, water body, connecting biotopes and protected habitat were important aspects for our proposal. We saw that the most logical was in this orientation.

We showed the worker, product and water circulation according to the programs and offered system. Visitors mostly have a circulation path in the wetland side related with the open systems for eco-tourism zone. Workers and researchers mostly reach all of the program elements because the research zone is the key feature of the programs to be sustained. These circulations keep different experiences and functions within their structure with their movements in different levels and layering within the mass.

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